Prevost’s original tour bus, the H3-45 strives to blend a timeless design with the most up-to-date technological features. The H Series was first introduced in 1985, but the bus has been constantly renovated since then, with a complete redesign in 2009 and many updates in the 2010s.
Image courtesty of Prevost
The H3-45 is known for its bold front end that makes it instantly distinguishable from other brands of bus. It also has 470 square feet of storage space, the highest deck in the Prevost line-up, and a spacious, noise-isolated cabin with panoramic windows to ensure passenger comfort.
We are proud to use Prevost motorcoaches in the National Charter Bus network. Want to learn more about the buses that could be included in your fleet? Check out our other pages on bus manufacturers for more deep-dives, or look through our types of buses for a general overview of each model.